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Axians UK Blog

Automotive Internet of Things brings a wealth of commercial opportunities for service providers

Jul 17, 2017 9:00:57 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Smart Vehicle, Network Connectivity, Smart City, car technology, cloud hosting, automotive, ITS Deployment, Iot, v2v, driverless cars, industry technology, Network Automation


Communications key to self-driving success

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a significant commercial opportunity for communication service providers (CSPs), able to supply and manage the underlying network connectivity needed to link tens of billions of sensors and devices over the next three years, a large proportion of which will reside in connected cars.

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University challenge: Providing value for students in a digital age

Jun 12, 2017 12:35:55 PM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, Connectivity, protecting data, Research and Education, Campus, security, Universities, University ranking, education technology, Axians UK, university tech, Internet of things, Student experience, Campus WiFi, National Research and Education Network, smart, Axians, cyber security


By Andy Butcher, UK Research and Education Sales Manager,  Axians

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Guide and overview to GDPR compliance and security

May 26, 2017 8:45:41 AM / by Axians UK posted in Data Protection, data protection policy, security, Network Security, Data Protection Act, GDPR Overview, General Data protection regulation, Data protection officer, GDPR


Don’t be caught out by new EU data protection rules that impose more stringent monitoring and reporting requirements on UK businesses

On 25th May 2018, new rules concerning the collection, storage and processing of personal information relating to individuals in the European Union (EU), regardless of nationality, come into force which could result in expensive fines for UK companies.

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Larger DDoS attacks adding power to potency

May 11, 2017 3:15:40 PM / by Axians UK posted in Verisign, Technology News, ddos mitigation, DDoS attack, security, DDoS, Technology, infosecurity, cyber attac, Malware, Infrastructure, Axians, cyber security, cyber crime, Security Assessment, Infosec, Network Managers


Malware and processing muscle to rent is swelling hacker armouries

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have severe consequences for their victims, causing considerable operational disruption and undermining trust in the organisation amongst customers, end users and business partners.

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Legacy systems continue to slow digital strategies

Apr 26, 2017 4:08:35 PM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, Networks, CxO, Core Networks, security, SD-Wan, Technology, CIO, Computer Business, SD-Wan, Digital Transformation, Axians, Network Automation, Future Proofed Network, Network reliability, Network Managers



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Nothing to fear from rise of the machines

Apr 11, 2017 4:04:49 PM / by Axians UK posted in m2m, cyber attacks, SDN, security, Malware, SDSN, Automation, Network Automation, Machines, NFV


Automation has long been identified as a fast track to reduced operational expenditure and improvements in business efficiency, but emerging technology has broadened that scope by a considerable margin.

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CSPs must harness digital transformation to remain competitive

Apr 7, 2017 1:04:42 PM / by Axians UK posted in Other


Russell Crampin, UK managing director, Axians

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SD-WAN tipped for rapid adoption

Mar 29, 2017 4:49:28 PM / by Axians UK posted in Network, SD-Wan, SDWAN, Software Defined, Wan, Core Network, Multi site network, SD-Wan, Axians, Communication Service Providers, MPLS, Automation, Network Automation


SD-WAN may provide the low cost, low maintenance branch office router solution that enterprises and service providers have long craved.

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Cyber security to widen the digital skills gap

Mar 22, 2017 11:12:58 AM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, security, Apprenticeships, Security Engineers, Security Recruitment, Skills Gap


The UK digital skills gap is nothing new - public and private sector organisations have been struggling to find people with the right talents to drive their digital transformation initiatives for the last few years if not longer.

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New light for UK connectivity services

Mar 7, 2017 11:39:37 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Sky, Network Services, TalkTalk, Cityfibre, Virgin Media, Network Connectivity, Fibre Broadband, OfCom, Axians UK, Openreach, Telecommunications, Dark Fibre, Axians, Communication Service Providers, BT


Access to BT’s dark fibre network will open new commercial possibilities for communication service providers

After sustained pressure from the UK telecoms regulator Ofcom BT has agreed to open up its dark fibre network to rival communications service providers (CSPs) from October 1st 2017. The new product - Dark Fibre Access (DFA) - should allow companies which want to lease BT’s network to deliver a wider range of higher speed network services to business and consumer customers under their own brand.

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