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Axians UK Blog

The network of today: Service Providers

Feb 14, 2019 8:55:34 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, managed service providers, Technology News, CTO, Service Providers, network complexity ], internet service p[roviders, Network Scalability, Telecommunications, Network Infrastructure, Axians, Communication Service Providers, Network Managers


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How flexible, lower cost SD-WAN connectivity makes more sense for the branch office than MPLS

Jul 17, 2018 10:01:00 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Service Providers, Network monitoring software, software defined wan, SDN, Cloud, Networking management software, SD-Wan, Software Defined, SD-WAN reports, Software defined data centre, Wan, Network management, SD-Wan, Routers, Communication Service Providers, Network router, Network Managers


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Automotive Internet of Things brings a wealth of commercial opportunities for service providers

Jul 17, 2017 9:00:57 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Smart Vehicle, Network Connectivity, Smart City, car technology, cloud hosting, automotive, ITS Deployment, Iot, v2v, driverless cars, industry technology, Network Automation


Communications key to self-driving success

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a significant commercial opportunity for communication service providers (CSPs), able to supply and manage the underlying network connectivity needed to link tens of billions of sensors and devices over the next three years, a large proportion of which will reside in connected cars.

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New light for UK connectivity services

Mar 7, 2017 11:39:37 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Sky, Network Services, TalkTalk, Cityfibre, Virgin Media, Network Connectivity, Fibre Broadband, OfCom, Axians UK, Openreach, Telecommunications, Dark Fibre, Axians, Communication Service Providers, BT


Access to BT’s dark fibre network will open new commercial possibilities for communication service providers

After sustained pressure from the UK telecoms regulator Ofcom BT has agreed to open up its dark fibre network to rival communications service providers (CSPs) from October 1st 2017. The new product - Dark Fibre Access (DFA) - should allow companies which want to lease BT’s network to deliver a wider range of higher speed network services to business and consumer customers under their own brand.

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Dec 5, 2016 8:30:46 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Network Services, business growth, internet connectivity, Axians Networks, Axians Lab, customer story, training, Axians, case study, SureVoIP, EVPN, Network reliability, Customer Stories


Since becoming multi-site SureVoIP have seen high growth rates and have begun the process to deliver plans for expansion and be connected to the SS7 network. At the same time SureVoIP wanted to enhance its network and provide additional services to their customers. The company needed strong technical capabilities for lab testing, training, support with a solution that would have high network resiliency and a seamless connection between the two locations.

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TalkTalk Lays Foundation for Business Network Growth

May 19, 2016 3:50:24 PM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Technology News, Connectivity, data products, big data, Virtualisation, expo, security, Cloud, Telco, NTT Com, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, IP, Broadband, Axians, voice services, Juniper Networks, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


TalkTalk is well known for the voice and data connectivity services it offers to UK consumers, but it has been quietly building a flexible, high capacity IP network which also accommodates increasing numbers of business customers.

Revenue for TalkTalk Business accounted for over 30% of the £1.8bn total in the financial year ending March 2016, up 5% on the previous year and driven largely by growth in demand for data products, next generation voice services and broadband connections delivered by both its direct channel and wholesale partners.

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Broadband Feature: Local ISPs Prove Nimble

Mar 23, 2016 10:28:52 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, FTTH, Fibre, Fibre networks, Regional Broadband, Local Broadband, Telecommunications, Fixed Networks, Broadband, ADSL, Telecom


A host of broadband suppliers are offering superfast network connectivity on a limited basis in certain regions, towns and cities of the UK

Our feature this month looks at a few examples or regional broadband providers to illustrate their different business models and the diversity of supply.

The UK broadband market is fiercely competitive, and at first glance dominated by a small number of large suppliers delivering standardised fixed line connectivity packages on a national basis.

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BT escapes Openreach bullet for now

Feb 26, 2016 2:42:58 PM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Telco, OfCom, Service Provider, Openreach, Telecommunications, BT


Ofcom’s long awaited review of the UK broadband landscape offered both good and bad news for BT.

The regulator fell short of recommending the telco’s Openreach network infrastructure division be split into a separate company for now, but demanded that BT make it easier for rival internet providers to use its national network to deliver their own services to customers.

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