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Axians UK Blog

Communications services spending set to grow (probably)

Apr 26, 2018 12:30:24 PM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, gartner trends, Customer Networks, Fibre, gartner, Telco, Axians UK News, FTTP, Telecommunications, Unified Communications, Communication Service Providers


It's always important to take analyst forecasts with a pinch of salt. Predicting the future is difficult at the best of times (see our article on predictions in ITProportal) and a single unexpected geo-political event (Brexit anyone?) can scupper the most meticulously prepared financial projection overnight.

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Network key to IoT security

Mar 2, 2018 10:12:42 AM / by Axians UK posted in security, Other, Internet of things, Iot


Effective protection of IoT devices will require multiple layers of security, including the network level.

The Internet of Things has been described as a ticking time bomb for data security, with every company involved in the long and complex delivery chain still scratching their heads on the best approach to defusing it.

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2018 the year of ONAP?

Feb 22, 2018 8:38:35 AM / by Axians UK posted in ONAP, NFB, SDN, Service Provider, SDN & NFV, Communication Service Providers


Adoption of a standard network automation platform could accelerate service provider NFV/SDN deployment

One of the more intriguing decisions facing communications service providers in 2018 will be whether or not to adopt the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) - the open source project built as a standard for the design, creation, orchestration and lifecycle management of network function virtualisation (NFV) and software defined network (SDN) and the services those technologies enable.

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SD-WAN coming of age

Feb 13, 2018 10:39:00 AM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, CSP, Service Providers, software defined wan, Silver Peak, SD-Wan, Telecommunications, Wan, SD-Wan, Axians Vendor News, Juniper Networks


The pace of scale of enterprise and service provider SD-WAN deployment accelerated sharply in 2017

2017 was a good year for software defined wide area networks (SD-WANs), as increasing numbers of end user organisations replaced branch office routers with lower cost and easier to manage virtualised solutions.

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SD-WAN – the smarter route to traffic prioritisation

Nov 16, 2017 12:35:58 PM / by Axians UK posted in Russell Crampin, Virtualisation, vinci energies, Software Defined Networking, Axians Networks, Axians UK News, SD-Wan, Axians UK, Software Defined, SD-Wan, SD-WAN research, Axians, Andrew Hunter, Actemium, Chris Gilmour


SD-WAN provides a Sat Nav to better network performance which bypasses expensive connection upgrades

Time and technology wait for no man, and companies today know they have to constantly adapt and change if they are to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market for IT products and services. Many see digital transformation of existing architecture, processes and business strategies as key to those ambitions but are less clear on the best way to begin.

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SD-WAN viewpoint: How can companies go about tackling the digital transformation?

Nov 9, 2017 12:35:59 PM / by Axians UK posted in Network, Axians UK News, SD-Wan, Network issues, Research, SDN & NFV, SD-Wan, Network Visibility, Digital Transformation, SD-WAN research, Network Managers


How to wrestle a ball of snakes to ensure digital transformation

Digital transformation projects are increasingly high priority for businesses, for very clear reasons. A recent survey by Axians found that 42 per cent of network managers believe that their organisation’s network doesn’t fully meet the needs of the business. This is despite 76 per cent agreeing that the CIO has 100 per cent visibility of the network.However, as the digital strategy becomes a priority, the network changes necessary to sustain secure and agile businesses are being missed. For example, fashion retailer Jaeger recently went into administration part way through a digital transformation project, and our survey found that 49 per cent believe that networks problems are down to legacy technology still holding back the organisation.The question is how to progress in spite of, and even because of, legacy technology. Doing nothing is not an option, but modernisation takes time and money, and as demonstrated by Jaeger, can be risky. Legacy technology might be monolithic in nature, but it is not monolithic in form. It is a multi-headed composite, tangled up like a ball of snakes.

Addressing the customer experience with a digital strategy

One of these snakes is the impact legacy technology may have on customer experience – crucial to long term business success today. 44 per cent of network managers cite customer complaints about slow application performance happening at least once a week. Major network improvements must therefore be made if businesses want to cut complaints and increase customer satisfaction.

As a result, businesses are committing to digital strategies to enable a more engaging and positive customer journey – in fact, 67 per cent of network managers agree that a digital strategy is important to reduce threat from competitors who can scale up more quickly than those with established networks. However, many are neglecting to support these broad objectives with the details that will enable long term success.

A change of mindset and education is critical for success

Unfortunately, disparities do occur between the long-term vision of the business and the reality of the ‘here and now’ for network managers – another snake in the ball.

The right expertise is vital to the success of the network, and 89 per cent of network managers advise that having experienced staff to work on digital strategy implementation is essential.  74 per cent believe their organisation has a well thought through digital strategy, yet, 44 per cent say their company struggles to find the IT skills or talent in areas that can’t be automated, and 27 per cent aren’t sure their company has enough bandwidth to achieve its digital strategy.

Company presidents and chief executives, as well as technology and information officers need to pay close attention to how their digital strategy affects the underlying IT infrastructure, making sure that the business objectives and technology support each other throughout its development. Equally, CIOs must look beyond software and focus on educating people internally and externally to truly address the digital strategy and secure long term success.

How to unravel the snakes

62 per cent of network managers say their company would be more profitable if it invested in new technology, and 67 per cent believe a digital strategy will reduce operational costs in the long term. This is critical, as 62 per cent feel increasingly pressured to reduce operational costs of the network.

One of the ways that businesses can improve control of the network, replace legacy technology and cut budgets is through Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) technology, which connects critical networks over large geographic distances.

Moreover, digital transformation strategies will always require change and transformation, as new ideas, solutions and technologies emerge. However, by using these types of technologies, organisations can remain agile and dynamic. In other words, the network must not only allow digital transformation, but continually enhance it.

Investing in these types of technology aren’t a simple purchase however. Businesses will need access to consultancy, services creation, and support, and seek knowledge where the expertise is lacking in house. By doing this, organisations can successfully integrate new systems with existing ones.

[Finding your snake charmers:] Reputation is key to success both now and in the future

For long term success, businesses must protect reputation and sustain quality services while they are making these necessary, and often disruptive, changes. This is no easy task, and by calling on advisors and consultants to help implement the strategy and improve the network, remaining secure and keeping application performance at a good level, is more achievable.

By investing in staff or consultants with specialist expertise in the network, and supporting the investment in next generation networking such as SD-WAN, organisations can build a solution designed to solve their own unique business challenges. The ultimate goal is of course a digital strategy build for scale, flexibility and agility, with staff brought into the vision and along for the ride.

Digital transformation is like a ball of snakes – tangled up and ready to be unravelled. The trick is to take it one snake at a time, and this can be reached through new technologies, education and expertise.

Notes: This survey was conducted by Arlington Research between March and April 2017. It questioned 250 IT Network Managers who are responsible for / or day to day manage their organisation’s network and do not outsource the IT, working in companies employing 50+ employees.

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Datanet and Axians enter 24/7 managed services partnership to monitor and manage Datanet’s core network and mitigate against network cyber threats

Sep 29, 2017 2:12:56 PM / by Axians UK posted in Network monitoring, Network Managed Service, Managed service, Axians UK News, Network Security, Axians UK, Datanet, Axians, network specialist, Network Support, Customer Stories


Axians turns from customer to supplier as Datanet sees the need for a trusted network advisor

Basingstoke, UK – 28 September 2017 – With the rise in businesses using managed services, or third party suppliers, particularly when it comes to IT – cloud hosting and connectivity provider, Datanet, has called on network infrastructure experts, Axians, to manage all network services for Datanet and its customers.

Datanet had been working with Axians for over three years providing access to server racks at their datacentre, but with the increasing number of cyber threats Datanet has turned to Axians as a trusted network advisor to help monitor, manage and mitigate any risks.

Axians’ technical expertise and experience in network security and support allow Datanet to respond proactively, rather than reactively, to any network requirements and to offer a secure and high performing service to their customers. Axians created a bespoke managed services solution for Datanet, which was designed for their requirements, ensuring that any potential issues that the network faces are identified and acted on before there is any disruption to the service Datanet offers its customers.

“Axians doesn’t just offer us peace of mind when it comes to cyber threats; the relationship provides for an additional layer of technical and security services we can offer our customers,” said Conleth McCallan, managing director of Datanet.

“We had a really strong relationship with Axians before we partnered with them to manage our network security and performance, so while this might be an unusual ‘customer-turned-supplier’ partnership, we know that the team at Axians share our common objective to provide an excellent and secure service to our customers.”

In less than a month in partnership with Datanet, Axians had already identified and resolved two separate incidents, which although were minor in nature, might not have been discovered without Axians’ 24/7 support.

Russell Crampin, UK managing director of Axians, said: “We know that our longstanding relationship with Datanet is not a transactional one; it’s built on trust and mutual understanding. We are committed to partnering with our customers, not just supplying a service, as we recognise that the success of the relationship can only be realised with the success of our customers business.”

As part of this partnership, Axians is committed to providing:

o Monitoring of the core network
o Planned additions, removes and changes to customer profiles on the network
o 24 x 7 Remote technical support and troubleshooting
o Incident ownership until the problem is fixed
o Proactive incident notification for Datanet and their suppliers
o Capacity planning for services on network
o Updates to network
o DDoS awareness
o Third party supplier management
o Regular services review
o Monthly consultancy visits including professional services
o Monthly meetings

McCallan continued: “Axians has the expertise to guide us through threats to our network and it’s yet another level of security that we can then offer our customers. The team are regularly onsite at Datanet to support and offer advice on how to run our network at an optimum level.”

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News: Axians supports local charity through the VINCI Foundation

Sep 19, 2017 5:10:22 PM / by Axians UK posted in Other


Hampshire community charity partners with global engineering giant to tackle Social Exclusion

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Juniper Networks Software Defined Secure Networks (SDSN) Platform extends to Multi-Vendor Environments and CASB Threat Intelligence

Aug 22, 2017 11:56:05 AM / by Axians UK posted in Data Protection, Sky Advanced Threat Prevention, CipherCloud, Secure Networks, Core Networks, Netskope, juniper security, Cloud Data, security, Networks Security, Sky ATP, Network Security, Software Defined, DDoS, Technology Network, Malware, Juniper Networks Partner, SDSN, Juniper Networks SDSN, cyber security, Axians Vendor News, Juniper Networks, Threat Intelligence Platform


After launching its Software-Defined Secure Network (SDSN) portfolio in 2016, Juniper Networks is delivering on its promise to support additional security vendors on the platform as it makes better use of cloud-hosted resources in malware detection and prevention.

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Unloved networks are the main casualty in the race to a digital future

Jul 20, 2017 12:37:28 AM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, Axians UK News, SD-Wan, SDWAN, Axians UK, CIO, SD-Wan, Digital Transformation, SD-WAN research, Axians, Network Automation, Network Managers


67 per cent of network managers see a digital strategy as important to reduce threat from competitors, yet 49 per cent say legacy technology is holding them back:

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