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Axians UK Blog

News: Axians UK selects ADVA to deliver risk-free NFV solutions

Jul 11, 2019 9:05:14 AM / by Axians UK posted in Press Release, Virtualisation, Axians UK News, managed hosting, SD-Wan, adva ensemble, SDN & NFV, Adva, Next Generation Networking, SD-Wan, Axians, Axians Vendor News, VNF, NFV


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The latest service providers to launch SD-WAN services demonstrate the value of flexibility in encouraging broader market adoption

Jun 7, 2018 12:10:15 PM / by Axians UK posted in Virtualisation, Software Defined Networking, Other, SD-Wan, Versa, Service Provider, SD-WAN research, sd-wan event, Axians Vendor News


One of the most biggest benefits of the software defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is the variation of deployment options it provides to customers, who can choose either a do it yourself approach or a managed services proposition from a third party network provider.  it also offers Service Providers another value add to their customers and important annuity business in an increasingly competitive market.

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SD-WAN – the smarter route to traffic prioritisation

Nov 16, 2017 12:35:58 PM / by Axians UK posted in Russell Crampin, Virtualisation, vinci energies, Software Defined Networking, Axians Networks, Axians UK News, SD-Wan, Axians UK, Software Defined, SD-Wan, SD-WAN research, Axians, Andrew Hunter, Actemium, Chris Gilmour


SD-WAN provides a Sat Nav to better network performance which bypasses expensive connection upgrades

Time and technology wait for no man, and companies today know they have to constantly adapt and change if they are to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market for IT products and services. Many see digital transformation of existing architecture, processes and business strategies as key to those ambitions but are less clear on the best way to begin.

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Versa leverages systems integrators for SD-WAN

Jun 7, 2016 12:22:01 PM / by Axians UK posted in Virtualisation, Versa Networks, Axians Networks, SD-Wan, Versa, Axians, Axians Vendor News, System Integrators


Axians Technology Feature Interview:

SD-WAN allows service providers to grow their managed security services business without forcing customers to buy and manage expensive hardware.

Software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) pioneer Versa Networks has embarked on a major expansion of its EMEA channel operations appointing network integrators in France, Germany, Finland and the UK earlier this year.

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TalkTalk Lays Foundation for Business Network Growth

May 19, 2016 3:50:24 PM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Technology News, Connectivity, data products, big data, Virtualisation, expo, security, Cloud, Telco, NTT Com, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, IP, Broadband, Axians, voice services, Juniper Networks, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


TalkTalk is well known for the voice and data connectivity services it offers to UK consumers, but it has been quietly building a flexible, high capacity IP network which also accommodates increasing numbers of business customers.

Revenue for TalkTalk Business accounted for over 30% of the £1.8bn total in the financial year ending March 2016, up 5% on the previous year and driven largely by growth in demand for data products, next generation voice services and broadband connections delivered by both its direct channel and wholesale partners.

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Every cloud has a silver lining… Part One

Feb 24, 2016 10:07:50 AM / by Axians UK posted in Virtualisation, Software Defined Networks, vCPE, SDN, David Noguer Bau, Service Provider, Network Agility, SDN & NFV, Contrail, Core Network, NFX, Axians, Automation, Cloud CPE, Juniper Networks, vSRX, Network Function Virtualisation, Telecom, VNF, NFV


We talk to David Noguer Bau, Juniper Networks’ global head of telco vertical marketing, about Juniper’s unique new Cloud CPE solution.

In November 2015, Juniper Networks unveiled its Cloud CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) solution in order for service providers to host services from a distributed network function virtualisation (NFV) platform. The Cloud CPE solution lays the foundations for service providers to speed up application and service provisioning for their customers.

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SDDC takes data centre stage

Feb 18, 2016 10:26:14 AM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, Virtualisation, Software Defined Networks, SDN, Technology, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, SDDC, Axians, Data Centre, Automation, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV

1 Comment

Extended Feature Article:

The software defined data centre may be the promised land for providers struggling to deliver cloud services cost effectively at scale, but remains in the early stage of development.

Imagine a data centre uncluttered by legacy, dedicated network, server and storage hardware consolidated to the point where every application, service or process which can be delivered as a virtualised software function has been moved onto next generation architecture.

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VMware builds on SDDC promise

Dec 11, 2015 3:27:53 PM / by Axians UK posted in Virtualisation, Service Provider, vmWare, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, SDDC, EVO SDDC, Data Centre, Wmworld


The concept of the software defined data centre (SDDC) has been with us for a few years now, but it is only recently that the network virtualisation platforms needed to make it happen have matured to point where real time deployments become possible.

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Will Juniper’s White Box Gamble Pay Off?

Oct 5, 2015 12:26:16 PM / by Axians UK posted in Saas, Virtualisation, SDN, Iaas, Juniper, Technology, Rami Rahim, Paas, White Box, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, OCX1100, Juniper Networks, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


It is obvious from the noises being made by its senior executives that Juniper wants to be known as a disruptor - a shining example of a forward looking company ready and willing to embrace the realities of an SDN/NFV market that values virtualised software more than networking hardware.

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SDN/NFV Customers move at their own pace

Oct 1, 2015 12:11:37 PM / by Axians UK posted in Service Providers, AT&T, Virtualisation, Software Defined Networks, SDN, Telefonica, SDN & NFV, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


For the moment software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualisation (NFV) technology appear to be occupying that most precarious position on the infamous hype curve – where fervent expectations have peaked and the slow downward descent into reality has kicked in.

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