I recently had the pleasure of meeting Fiona Squire, Services Director at Imtech ICT UK Limited at the Juniper Networks New Directions Women’s Forum in Laguna Beach, California. Having chatted with Fiona during the week in the US I felt she had an interesting story to share about how she got into tech and how she has developed a successful IT business and career. Here’s my interview with Fiona;
An Interview with an IT Hitwoman; Fiona Squire an Inspiring Technology Business Leader
May 17, 2013 9:53:48 AM / by Axians UK posted in Guest blog, Imtech ICT, Fiona Squire, New Directions, Technology, Imtech ICT UK, Zoe Sands, Juniper Networks, IT Women
BYOD. The best of both world’s or simply a management headache?
May 2, 2013 5:25:06 PM / by Axians UK posted in network perspective, BYOT, Imtech ICT, BYOPC, BYOP, Bring your own device, Technology, mobile device management, BYOD, management challenges, Imtech ICT UK, software, Imtech, Ian Parker, Security Conference, CYOD
Ian Parker, Technical Consultant at Imtech ICT UK tackles the security and management challenges businesses are facing when it comes to their BYOD strategy and provides some key insights as to how to fight off the internet bad guys.
Ian is responsible for Technical Design, Implementation, Consultancy and Training for all Technical Projects and Opportunities at Imtech ICT UK.
So the first thing to understand is what is BYOD…
Bring your own device (BYOD), Choose Your Own Device (CYOD), Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT), Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) or Bring Your Own PC (BYOPC) – whatever you choose to call it, BYOD, (like the word security), is a term that has different connotations depending on who you talk to.
Employees now have access to loads of affordable
next generation tablets and smartphones that are essentially whizz-bang PC’s in a small, transportable format. From experience, we all know that these devices are as essential to us as carrying a handbag or a wallet – ever left your phone at home and felt your right arm had been cut off? Ironically, my wife says my iPad is my “manbag” as it very rarely leaves my side, at work or at home. Right, you get the idea.
Managing the business challenges
So if you are in a company that has decided to embrace BYOD and allow employees to use their newest gadget/device as a piece of work equipment, you will not be surprised to face a number of business challenges in trying to agree on how to manage them. According to Gartner , businesses face 3 main challenges when it comes to BYOD.
Are you next? The cyber attacks goes denial…
Apr 17, 2013 4:15:46 PM / by Axians UK posted in security breaches, ddos mitigation, Spotlight Secure, DDoS attack, juniper security, security, internet attack, attack, firewall, DDoS, BYOD, Imtech ICT UK, Imtech, cyber attack, Junos Pulse, Security Conference, Spamhaus, SRXvpn, ddos secure firewall, Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks’ Blogger Overview on InfoSecurity Europe 2013
Apr 16, 2013 4:27:56 PM / by Axians UK posted in infosecurity 2013, Spotlight Secure, Earls Court, Juniper, Infosec 2013, attack, firewall, DDoS, BYOD, Imtech ICT UK, Junos Pulse, Security Conference, SRXvpn, Juniper Networks