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Axians UK Blog

Network Monitoring: Keeping Track of Data

Jan 8, 2019 9:30:07 AM / by Axians UK posted in Network monitoring, Technology News, IT departments, Network Managed Service, cyber attacks, Network monitoring software, Wi-fi, Data Storage, gartner, Axians UK News, Internet of things, Network management, Network of things, Network data, Network reliability

1 Comment

Keeping track and the monitoring of data – The Network of Things

As network infrastructure and network monitoring spreads across multiple sites, data centres, servers and client devices, keeping track of the data which traverses it can become more complex and time consuming. Yet having detailed insight into exactly what information is being transmitted, and how it affects application, system and service performance, is a crucial business metric that cannot be overlooked.

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Automated network monitoring vital to data security

Apr 30, 2018 12:30:34 PM / by Axians UK posted in Network monitoring, cyber attacks, Wifi, security, Malware, enterprise networks, cyber security, Hotel netwoks, Wireless network security


Advanced persistent threats and other forms of covert malware can be detected by better network monitoring.

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Nothing to fear from rise of the machines

Apr 11, 2017 4:04:49 PM / by Axians UK posted in m2m, cyber attacks, SDN, security, Malware, SDSN, Automation, Network Automation, Machines, NFV


Automation has long been identified as a fast track to reduced operational expenditure and improvements in business efficiency, but emerging technology has broadened that scope by a considerable margin.

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