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Axians UK Blog

IBM Named #1 Among Smart City Suppliers by Navigant Research

Jul 17, 2013 9:59:19 AM / by Axians UK posted in IBM, Other, smarter cities, Research, Waste, Smarter people, Energy efficiency, IBM Partner


 IBM announced yesterday that it has been named the leader in the Smart City Suppliers market by Navigant Research.

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Top three Twitter Tech pictures of the week

Jun 21, 2013 11:46:07 AM / by Axians UK posted in WOMEN, Cisco image, IBM, IBM CLOUD, IMAGES, IBM IMAGE, Top images, Other, Top three, Technology, Twitter, IBM Partner


With our latest news and updates from twitter published,  Imtech ICT UK have taken a look at the latest photos shared online and picked their top three of the week.

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Top three Twitter Tech pictures

May 29, 2013 10:15:20 AM / by Axians UK posted in Cisco image, IBM, Juniper image, Juniper Partner, IBM IMAGE, Cisco, Top images, Top three, IBM news, Imtech ICT UK Partner, Twitter, Cisco Partner, IBM Partner, Juniper Networks


With our latest news and updates from twitter published,  Imtech ICT UK have taken a look at the latest photos shared online and picked their top three of the week.

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