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Axians UK Blog

How Higher Education is changing the way it uses network technology

Dec 7, 2016 2:04:10 PM / by Axians UK posted in HE IT, IT Challenges, Carrier Grade Network, Research and Education, Axians Networks, security, Technology, IT Directors, Education and technology, Higher Education technology, Higher Education, University, CIO, Axians


Interview: Andy Butcher, Sales Manager for Research and Education, Axians

Andy Butcher is the Axians Sales Manager responsible for the UK Research and Education market, and is focused on helping universities deliver carrier-grade network services and business efficiency to their academic stakeholders and students.

Q: How long have you been working in the higher education sector?

I have worked with the education sector since the later 1990s. My first major sale was to University College London where I won a contract selling computers. My background in building, surveying and dealing with specifications and tenders meant I fitted quite well into the market and I have mostly worked in HE since.

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