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Axians UK Blog

SDDC takes data centre stage

Feb 18, 2016 10:26:14 AM / by Axians UK posted in Technology News, Virtualisation, Software Defined Networks, SDN, Technology, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, SDDC, Axians, Data Centre, Automation, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV

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Extended Feature Article:

The software defined data centre may be the promised land for providers struggling to deliver cloud services cost effectively at scale, but remains in the early stage of development.

Imagine a data centre uncluttered by legacy, dedicated network, server and storage hardware consolidated to the point where every application, service or process which can be delivered as a virtualised software function has been moved onto next generation architecture.

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VMware builds on SDDC promise

Dec 11, 2015 3:27:53 PM / by Axians UK posted in Virtualisation, Service Provider, vmWare, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, SDDC, EVO SDDC, Data Centre, Wmworld


The concept of the software defined data centre (SDDC) has been with us for a few years now, but it is only recently that the network virtualisation platforms needed to make it happen have matured to point where real time deployments become possible.

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