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Axians UK Blog

New light for UK connectivity services

Mar 7, 2017 11:39:37 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Sky, Network Services, TalkTalk, Cityfibre, Virgin Media, Network Connectivity, Fibre Broadband, OfCom, Axians UK, Openreach, Telecommunications, Dark Fibre, Axians, Communication Service Providers, BT


Access to BT’s dark fibre network will open new commercial possibilities for communication service providers

After sustained pressure from the UK telecoms regulator Ofcom BT has agreed to open up its dark fibre network to rival communications service providers (CSPs) from October 1st 2017. The new product - Dark Fibre Access (DFA) - should allow companies which want to lease BT’s network to deliver a wider range of higher speed network services to business and consumer customers under their own brand.

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Dec 5, 2016 8:30:46 AM / by Axians UK posted in Broadband Providers, Network Services, business growth, internet connectivity, Axians Networks, Axians Lab, customer story, training, Axians, case study, SureVoIP, EVPN, Network reliability, Customer Stories


Since becoming multi-site SureVoIP have seen high growth rates and have begun the process to deliver plans for expansion and be connected to the SS7 network. At the same time SureVoIP wanted to enhance its network and provide additional services to their customers. The company needed strong technical capabilities for lab testing, training, support with a solution that would have high network resiliency and a seamless connection between the two locations.

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Juniper awards Axians ‘UK&I Support Services Partner of the year 2016’

Nov 29, 2016 1:26:39 PM / by Axians UK posted in Network Services, Press Release, Awards, Technology awards, Elite Partner Juniper, Network Lifecycle, Axians, Axians Vendor News, Juniper Networks, Network Support

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Juniper Networks announced its 2016 Juniper Partner Award winners, spotlighting the outstanding achievements and commitment from the company’s top channel partners in the areas of sales, customer service excellence, technology expertise and service specialisations.

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