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Axians UK Blog

Higher Education under fire from cyber security menace

Jul 24, 2018 10:55:32 AM / by Axians UK posted in Network monitoring, Data Protection, Network Traffic, Research and Education, Campus, University Cyber Crime, security, Universities, Network Security, Education Security, DDoS, Education and technology, Higher Education technology, cyber security, Network sementation, Reach2020


Universities targeted by cyber criminals and state-sponsored hackers can fight back

With high numbers of students and visitors using multiple devices to access their networks and applications (and new users registering every year), universities face more problems than most when it comes to protecting their data and systems from cyber attacks. Hackers will target educational establishments because they are perceived to lack the budget and manpower to establish effective cyber security defences against unauthorised intrusion from both internal and external sources.

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Juniper Networks Software Defined Secure Networks (SDSN) Platform extends to Multi-Vendor Environments and CASB Threat Intelligence

Aug 22, 2017 11:56:05 AM / by Axians UK posted in Data Protection, Sky Advanced Threat Prevention, CipherCloud, Secure Networks, Core Networks, Netskope, juniper security, Cloud Data, security, Networks Security, Sky ATP, Network Security, Software Defined, DDoS, Technology Network, Malware, Juniper Networks Partner, SDSN, Juniper Networks SDSN, cyber security, Axians Vendor News, Juniper Networks, Threat Intelligence Platform


After launching its Software-Defined Secure Network (SDSN) portfolio in 2016, Juniper Networks is delivering on its promise to support additional security vendors on the platform as it makes better use of cloud-hosted resources in malware detection and prevention.

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Guide and overview to GDPR compliance and security

May 26, 2017 8:45:41 AM / by Axians UK posted in Data Protection, data protection policy, security, Network Security, Data Protection Act, GDPR Overview, General Data protection regulation, Data protection officer, GDPR


Don’t be caught out by new EU data protection rules that impose more stringent monitoring and reporting requirements on UK businesses

On 25th May 2018, new rules concerning the collection, storage and processing of personal information relating to individuals in the European Union (EU), regardless of nationality, come into force which could result in expensive fines for UK companies.

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