University Tech: Winter is coming - are you prepared?
Dec 18, 2018 2:59:30 PM / by Axians UK posted in Winter is coming, Networks, ICT infrastructure, University Tech, Smarter Campus, Axians reach2020, Research and Education, Campus, University Cyber Crime, Wifi, Axians UK News, Universities, Other, Public Sector technology, Education Security, university tech, Education and technology, Campus WiFi, University, University technology, Broadband, Axians, Reach2020
University Tech: Campus life - from a place of learning to vital life support
Nov 5, 2018 10:35:31 AM / by Axians UK posted in Networks, University Tech, Smarter Campus, Axians reach2020, Research and Education, Campus, University Cyber Crime, Wifi, Axians UK News, Universities, Other, Education Security, university tech, Education and technology, Campus WiFi, University, Broadband, Axians, Reach2020
Cyber security upgrades for Universities and Colleges
Dec 29, 2016 3:47:57 PM / by Axians UK posted in security, Education and technology, college, University, Axians, cyber security, cyber crime
The government’s latest National Cyber Security Strategy (NCSS) proposal makes a big play for the inclusion of academic institutions in the education and training of next generation data security professionals. But for the five year plan to deliver, universities and colleges may have to get their own house in order first by upgrading their existing cyber security network infrastructure.
How Higher Education is changing the way it uses network technology
Dec 7, 2016 2:04:10 PM / by Axians UK posted in HE IT, IT Challenges, Carrier Grade Network, Research and Education, Axians Networks, security, Technology, IT Directors, Education and technology, Higher Education technology, Higher Education, University, CIO, Axians
Interview: Andy Butcher, Sales Manager for Research and Education, Axians
Andy Butcher is the Axians Sales Manager responsible for the UK Research and Education market, and is focused on helping universities deliver carrier-grade network services and business efficiency to their academic stakeholders and students.
Q: How long have you been working in the higher education sector?
I have worked with the education sector since the later 1990s. My first major sale was to University College London where I won a contract selling computers. My background in building, surveying and dealing with specifications and tenders meant I fitted quite well into the market and I have mostly worked in HE since.