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Axians UK Blog

University Tech: Winter is coming - are you prepared?

Dec 18, 2018 2:59:30 PM / by Axians UK posted in Winter is coming, Networks, ICT infrastructure, University Tech, Smarter Campus, Axians reach2020, Research and Education, Campus, University Cyber Crime, Wifi, Axians UK News, Universities, Other, Public Sector technology, Education Security, university tech, Education and technology, Campus WiFi, University, University technology, Broadband, Axians, Reach2020


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University Tech: Campus life - from a place of learning to vital life support

Nov 5, 2018 10:35:31 AM / by Axians UK posted in Networks, University Tech, Smarter Campus, Axians reach2020, Research and Education, Campus, University Cyber Crime, Wifi, Axians UK News, Universities, Other, Education Security, university tech, Education and technology, Campus WiFi, University, Broadband, Axians, Reach2020


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Higher Education under fire from cyber security menace

Jul 24, 2018 10:55:32 AM / by Axians UK posted in Network monitoring, Data Protection, Network Traffic, Research and Education, Campus, University Cyber Crime, security, Universities, Network Security, Education Security, DDoS, Education and technology, Higher Education technology, cyber security, Network sementation, Reach2020


Universities targeted by cyber criminals and state-sponsored hackers can fight back

With high numbers of students and visitors using multiple devices to access their networks and applications (and new users registering every year), universities face more problems than most when it comes to protecting their data and systems from cyber attacks. Hackers will target educational establishments because they are perceived to lack the budget and manpower to establish effective cyber security defences against unauthorised intrusion from both internal and external sources.

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