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Axians UK Blog

Top three Twitter Tech pictures

May 29, 2013 10:15:20 AM / by Axians UK

With our latest news and updates from twitter published,  Imtech ICT UK have taken a look at the latest photos shared online and picked their top three of the week.

1. Juniper Networks shares an insight with this twitter image:
MT @youngnetworkguy: Having my @JuniperNetworks hands-on lab with GRE and IP-tunneling. http://t.co/czQ1x62jVp < +1!


2. IBM: 28 years of technology innovation at the French Open.


3. Cisco It’s the 40th anniversary of the Ethernet & it continues 2 influence the tech landscape

Tags: Cisco image, IBM, Juniper image, Juniper Partner, IBM IMAGE, Cisco, Top images, Top three, IBM news, Imtech ICT UK Partner, Twitter, Cisco Partner, IBM Partner, Juniper Networks

Axians UK

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