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Axians UK Blog

Operators pick their own MANO

Feb 1, 2016 11:52:03 AM / by Axians UK posted in Open Source, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, MANO, OPNFV, Network Function Virtualisation, Opendaylight, Telecom, ETSI, NFV

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There’s an old saying in IT that any standard is good enough as long as it is a standard, which loosely translates as ‘we don’t care what it is, only that everybody sticks to it’.

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VMware builds on SDDC promise

Dec 11, 2015 3:27:53 PM / by Axians UK posted in Virtualisation, Service Provider, vmWare, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, SDDC, EVO SDDC, Data Centre, Wmworld


The concept of the software defined data centre (SDDC) has been with us for a few years now, but it is only recently that the network virtualisation platforms needed to make it happen have matured to point where real time deployments become possible.

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Will Juniper’s White Box Gamble Pay Off?

Oct 5, 2015 12:26:16 PM / by Axians UK posted in Saas, Virtualisation, SDN, Iaas, Juniper, Technology, Rami Rahim, Paas, White Box, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, OCX1100, Juniper Networks, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


It is obvious from the noises being made by its senior executives that Juniper wants to be known as a disruptor - a shining example of a forward looking company ready and willing to embrace the realities of an SDN/NFV market that values virtualised software more than networking hardware.

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Providers need proof of multi-vendor SDN promise

Oct 29, 2014 9:33:10 AM / by Axians UK posted in Multi-Vendor, Software Defined Networks, SDN, Service Provider, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


Network and telecommunications equipment vendors are not exactly renowned for playing nicely together, having historically exhibited a special type of narcissism which has caused no end of problems for the network and operations managers left to find ways of forcing different products to communicate efficiently.
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