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Axians UK Blog

Software selection and skills take centre stage at OpenStack summit

Nov 17, 2015 10:29:45 AM / by Axians UK posted in Service Providers, OPENSTACK, SDN, cloud service, Other, OPENSTACK SUMMIT, NFV


The OpenStack Summit in Tokyo once again showed just how much support for the SDN based cloud computing platform exists amongst the vendor community.

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Will Juniper’s White Box Gamble Pay Off?

Oct 5, 2015 12:26:16 PM / by Axians UK posted in Saas, Virtualisation, SDN, Iaas, Juniper, Technology, Rami Rahim, Paas, White Box, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, OCX1100, Juniper Networks, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


It is obvious from the noises being made by its senior executives that Juniper wants to be known as a disruptor - a shining example of a forward looking company ready and willing to embrace the realities of an SDN/NFV market that values virtualised software more than networking hardware.

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SDN/NFV Customers move at their own pace

Oct 1, 2015 12:11:37 PM / by Axians UK posted in Service Providers, AT&T, Virtualisation, Software Defined Networks, SDN, Telefonica, SDN & NFV, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


For the moment software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualisation (NFV) technology appear to be occupying that most precarious position on the infamous hype curve – where fervent expectations have peaked and the slow downward descent into reality has kicked in.

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Providers need proof of multi-vendor SDN promise

Oct 29, 2014 9:33:10 AM / by Axians UK posted in Multi-Vendor, Software Defined Networks, SDN, Service Provider, Telecommunications, SDN & NFV, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


Network and telecommunications equipment vendors are not exactly renowned for playing nicely together, having historically exhibited a special type of narcissism which has caused no end of problems for the network and operations managers left to find ways of forcing different products to communicate efficiently.
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NFV Today = Software Soup and Pricing Palaver

Sep 30, 2014 10:06:46 AM / by Axians UK posted in SDN, Software Defined Networking, Alex Walker, SDN & NFV, NFV


“Software Defined Networking is going to simplify provisioning…”
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5 Top Tips When Evaluating Your NFV Strategy

Aug 18, 2014 3:38:35 PM / by Axians UK posted in OpenFlow, Software Defined Networks, SDN, Other, NFV Strategy, Network Function Virtualisation, NFV


5 Top Tips When Evaluating Your NFV Strategy
Network Function Virtualisation (NFV); Lessons from Cloud and Virtualisation - Part 2

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The Network Functions Virtualization, a different kind of animal

Aug 21, 2013 10:55:34 AM / by Axians UK posted in Virtualisation, SDN, Network, Other, Cloud Computing, Telecom, NFV


The Network Functions Virtualization, a different kind of animal

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