Axians UK News and Insights

Top three Twitter Tech pictures of the week

Written by Axians UK | Jun 21, 2013 10:46:07 AM

With our latest news and updates from twitter published,  Imtech ICT UK have taken a look at the latest photos shared online and picked their top three of the week.

1. Kevin!!!!!

IBM finds the perfect picture to reach their audience about Cloud Finances.

 @ibmcloud Three ways to avoid cloud bill shock: by @thingsESaid

2. Time to Suit up!

Another IBM image - but a good one to boot - we can't resist a Superhero reference @matnewman

@matnewman Somewhere an IBM Notes user is in trouble ... time to suit up!

3. Women who shaped ICT

This image is being shared across twitter to show the impact women have had in technology

‏@tanta1ise Women who shaped ICT as we know it - be surprised via @EileenJOBrien. @GirlsDigital @NeelieKroesEU @eurohumph

Which is your favourite? Have you found something better - share it with us!